Bethel Lutheran Church > About
Our Church...Bethel is a
very active parish of around 225 baptized members. There are numerous opportunities
to receive and reflect the love of Christ.
God's Word and Sacraments are the center of our Christian community. Our worship service is
described in greater detail on the
worship page. Christian fellowship is also important in our church. We
gather following worship services to enjoy fellowship with others.
Our Community...
Round Lake is a progressive community of 470 persons
located 70 miles east of the South Dakota-Minnesota border, and 2 miles north
the Minnesota-Iowa border. Round Lake is home to Farley's and Sathers, a candy
corporation that employs several hundred people. A large percentage of our membership
also has ties to agriculture.
Our Servants...
We are grateful for the many individuals
that God has blessed us with. We have an exceptional group of Christian leaders
that serve the Lord in many different ways.
(The e-mail addresses are no longer clickable due
to Internet security issues.)
Pastor |
Rev. Benjamin Rucker |
Parish Nurse |
Vicki Place, RN
(507) 945-9315
Secretary |
Lesley Christoffer |
Parish Musicians |
Shirley Finnern
Bev Petrick |
Parish Musician
and Webservant |
Paul Soulek
Custodian |
Betty DeBerg |
Elders |
Court Baumgard
Brian Johnson
Al Ling
Trustees |
Tom Cunningham
Mike Bah
Gary Larson |
Chairman |
Don Onken |
Vice-Chairman |
Jim Obermoller |
Secretary |
Cynthia Ahrenstorff |
Treasurer |
Randy Wilson | is
Copyright 2000-2006, Bethel Lutheran Church