Lutheran & Episcopal Links
We apologize for any expired links
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - The official and comprehensive website of the ELCA.
Find most listings, resources, information and links to Lutheran services and ministries.
The Episcopal Church - Official website of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. A comprehensive website about ministries and services of The Episcopal Church, USA.
North Carolina Synod - Locate listing of the ministries and churches in our North Carolina Synod.
Diocese of Western North Carolina
- Locate listings of our ministries and parishes in our Diocese of WNC.
Thrivent (Lutherans Online) - a Lutheran website by Thrivent Financial includes information and links to Lutheran ministries, services and organizations world-wide.
Online - independent and unofficial, find a world-wide listing of most online resources for Anglicans.
The Anglican Communion
- Official website of the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Find resources and links to information about the Anglican/Episcopal churches
around the globe. Read excerpts from Anglican World and the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS).
Concordat of Agreement; Called to Common Mission - a brief background and the full text of the Concordat between Lutherans and Episcopalians.
Online Study Bibles - an easy to use reference of many popular Bible versions and links to commentaries and resources for personal Bible study.
Book of Common Prayer - Online versions of the (1979) Book of Common Prayer for ECUSA.
Follow links and read the historical 1786, 1789, 1982, and 1928 BCP editions online.
The Daily
Office - Pray online Morning and Evening Prayer with readings and psalms for each day.
Links to Noonday Prayer, Compline, and Devotions for Individuals
and Families also. This site is a good one to bookmark and use daily.
The Cyber Hymnal - Find the traditional words to many hymns (or spirituals or gospel songs), hear the tune and more.
Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas - Site of one of the largest non-profit child & family service agencies in the Carolinas.
God's Yellow Pages - Handy Scripture Finder
Conference Centers & Retreats
Lutheridge & Lutherock - Lutheridge is a year-round conference center/camp in Arden, NC, near the Asheville airport.
Lutherock has an outdoor adventure-based ministry camp facility near Sugar Mountain, NC
Agape + Kure Beach Ministries - Kure Beach Lutheran Center (near Wilmington) and Camp Agape (near Fuquay-Varina) have year-round programming for spiritual growth including encounters with Scripture and nature.
Conference Center - near Boone, N.C. is a center for spiritual/personal renewal,
ski retreats, youth camps, family reunions and church meetings.
Kanuga - website of
Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, N.C. Site of Diocese WNC Convention.
More rustic than modern, this affiliate of the Episcopal Church also hosts conferences of other denominations, non-profit
organizations, government and professional groups. The Kanuga Lake district
is on the National Register of Historic Places. Carl Sandberg home nearby.
Lake Logan Episcopal Center - near Waynesville, N.C. is the beautiful, new Diocese of WNC center for spiritual/personal renewal, retreats, Camp Henry, diocesan and church meetings, private outings and cabins.
Via de Cristo of Western NC - Lutheran retreat for spiritual formation.
Mountain Top Walk to Emmaus - Predominantly Methodist "Nondenominational" retreat for spiritual formation.
Parish of the Holy Communion,
Glendale Springs - the famous "fresco churches" in Ashe County, N.C. This parish website
includes driving directions to the churches - a great day trip.
Services and Institutions
Forward Day By Day - Online meditations, daily prayers, and much more.
Our Daily Bread - Thought for the day.
The Upper Room - Daily Devotionals and Archives.
Lutheran World Federation - Lutheran global ministries website..
The Lutheran Magazine - Online publication.
Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas - builds, preserves and strengthen families in North and South Carolina through adoption and foster care programs and homes for developmentally disabled and autistic youth.
Lutheran Services for the Aging - provides quality Christian care to senior adults of all faiths at 5 sites in NC.
Stephen Ministries Information about this ministry and mission.
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