2017 Governing Board Elected
Mr. Tad Nobbe, Chairperson;
Mrs. Anne Longbrake, Vice-Chairperson;
Mrs. Rosemary Zimmerman, Secretary;
and Ms. Brenda Quinn, Treasurer.
Aura Griffith, Joan Henry, Bob & Marcia Stewart serve
as members of the Governing Board.
With grateful hearts and deep appreciation, we thank
the dedicated service rendered by our outgoing Governing Board members Loretta Willmore, Andy Owens and Bob Wildes
The Governing Board represents each member of the congregation. Please feel
free to speak to any Governing Board member or minister about any church
matter that concerns you.
Congratulations and "Thank you" to all of these who have been commissioned
to serve all God's people at Grace Mountainside Church.
Mountainside Lutheran Church elected the 2017 Council:
Mrs. Anne Longbrake, President;
Ms. Joan Henry, Vice-President;
Mrs. Marcia Stewart, Secretary; and
Mr. Bob Stewart, Treasurer
Grace Episcopal Parish elected the 2017 Vestry:
Mr. Tad Nobbe, Senior Warden;
Ms. Aura Griffith, Junior Warden;
Mrs. Rosemary Zimmerman, Clerk;
and Ms. Brenda Quinn, Treasurer
Annual Congregational Meeting
On September 18, 2016, the Annual Congregation Meeting was held.
Tad Nobbe, Governing Board Chairperson, reported that Pastor Webb and
the Rev Steve Holcomb had worked out an alternating schedule to lead worship
at Grace Mountainside Church until July, 2017.
The proposed 2017 Ministry Funding will remain the same as 2016.
A period of discussion followed. The 2017 Ministry Funding was approved
by the congregation without changes.
2017 Governing Board Officer elections followed (see above) and Governing Board
members were commissioned. The 2017 Governing Board was challenged
to serve all God's people at Grace Mountainside Church and to "Keep the doors open."
The meeting adjourned and fellowship followed.
  Rt. Rev. Bishop G. Porter Taylor Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina
Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina Bishop Porter Taylor
made his final visitation to Grace Mountainside Lutheran & Episcopal
Church Sunday, July 24, 2016.
Bishop Taylor is the primary shepherd of God's People at Grace Episcopal Parish
and represents our communion with all other Episcopal congregations
in the WNC Diocese and with the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion.
The Rev. Steve Holcomb and serve under the Bishop direction.
Bishop Taylor will retire October 2, 2016, when Bishop Elect Jose McLoughlin
is consecrated at Kimmel Arena, UNCA Asheville.
The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor was consecrated as the sixth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina Sept. 18, 2004. He grew up in Asheville, N.C., and earned his B.A. degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his M.A. in English from the University of South Carolina, and his Ph.D. degree in theology and literature from Emory University. He received his M.Div. from The School of Theology at Sewanee.

Rev. Steve Holcomb conferred Pastor Emeritus

On June 5, 2016, the Governing Board, with the Congregation's ratification
approved the following Resolution:
"The Rev. Steve A. Holcomb has faithfully served Grace Mountainside
Lutheran & Episcopal Church and the Robbinsville community since Augst, 1984.
During his thirty-one years Rev. Steve was instrumental in founding
the Graham County Ministerial Association which sponsored annual Thanksgiving
community worship services, an after school youth ministry that later
became "The Stable", the domestic violence and sexual assault ministry
Hope For Families, a small home repair ministry to the elderly known as
"Helping Hands", and a Thursday free lunch ministry during the economic depression.
Outreach from Grace Mountainside included an annual community Easter
Egg Hunt, assistance through the Good Samaritans and Graham Help, and support
of Prince of Peace Thrift Store and later The Church Mouse Thrift Store.
It's hard to believe that it has been over a year since the Rev. Steve Holcomb
retired as Grace Mountainside Church's Pastor and Priest-in-Charge.
Rev. Steve continues to serve Grace Mountainside Church creating a library
of digital hymns that play through our church organ and leading worship
services. We are incredibly blessed to have him and his wife, Dr. Linda,
continue to be a part of our parish.
Therefore, as a way to honor his presence among us and in order to better
communicate with our newer members that our former pastor still serves
among us, we confer the official title "Pastor Emeritus" on him.
The Governing Board
and the Congregation of Grace Mountainside Lutheran & Episcopal Church"