On a quite warm July 14, 2004, Bishop Johnson along with Bishop Bolick and about twenty Episcopal and Lutheran priests and pastors laid hands upon Steve Holcomb and prayed that God the Holy Spirit would "fill him with power and make him a priest in your Church".

The whole Ordination service was a new and wonderful worship experience at Grace Mountainside Church. As Steve said in an announcement before the start of the service, "This is an important step forward in the life of this congregation." And, "this service is about our own call into the priesthood of all believers."
The entrance was the most impressive ever seen at Grace Mountainside Church. In procession were about twenty clergy dressed in white robes and red stoles leading Steve, Bishop Bolick and Bishop Johnson to the altar. The sight was augmented by many in the congregation wearing red. (Red is the color that represents fire and the coming of God's Holy Spirit.) The hymn singing was full and sonorous. Steve's mother, IdaMae, played organ in the opening and closing hymns to back up Reid Miller's inspired playing. One remarked, "I think they could've heard our singing clear up to the Court House!"
Then Steve was presented to the Bishop for ordination. In the group of presenters were Rev. Jane Smith and Rev. Bill Turner (who also represented Pastor Don Fauble). Both Jane and Bill have served Grace Mountainside Church so faithfully and have supported Steve during the process leading up to this moment. Bev Metzger, who chaired the parish search committee and Ernie Reaume who is chairperson of the Governing Board spoke for all of us when they said "we present to you Steve Alan Holcomb to be ordained priest". When Bishop Johnson asked us "Is it your will that Steve be ordained a priest?" the response came back loudly and clearly, "It is".
Winston Miller led us through the Litany for Ordinations so clearly and capably. It was so special to hear Harding Hohenschutz and Bill Turner read the first and second lessons. Bishop Bolick's sermon was one that blessed all who heard it. Bishop Bolick began by expressing his appreciation of the ministry and friendship of Bishop Johnson that caused all of us to respond with approving applause. I don't think any of us will soon forget the three most important phrases: "I love you", "I forgive you", and "Dinner's ready". I think smiles appeared on all our faces when Bishop Bolick blew the conch shell to signify we are all free in Christ Jesus! Our spontaneous applause at the end of the sermon attests to our appreciation of hearing God's Word proclaimed through Bishop Bolick. If we hadn't realize it before we certainly understood after his sermon, that we were truly honored and thankful that Bishop Bolick came to preach at Steve's Ordination.
We had a little and very pleasant surprise and special gift during the singing of Veni Creator Spiritus. Dr. Henry and Pat Meinecke performed on the handbells making the music sound like something from heaven. (Steve performed with the Brasstown Ringers during the spring). Then the moment we had been waiting for arrived. The clergy surrounded Steve and laid hands upon him. Bishop Johnson and Bishop Bolick both laid their hands on Steve's head. Steve later said that though they pressed down hard he felt a strange lifting sensation. At the end of Bishop's Johnson's prayer the congregation in a "loud voice" responded a very heartfelt "Amen!"
Sandi Case presented the beautiful red stole she had created. (Sandi also created other beautiful stoles that you must see to believe!) On the red stole is an embroidered dove that Linda Holcomb had made. Sandi and Bishop Bolick placed it on Steve's shoulders. Wow! This is really happening! Then Harry Baughn brought forward a new Bible that Bishop Johnson then presented to Steve. Colton Longbrake, the most recently baptized at Grace Mountainside Church, brought forward water that Bishop Johnson presented to Steve. Colton received a little "urging" from Anne, Steve and the Bishop as he hesitantly made his way forward. On behalf of the entire congregation, Ernie Reaume and Walter presented a new Prayer Book to Steve. Jody and Allen Stevenson presented Steve with healing oil. Joan Henry and Jeanette DeGroot returned Steve's church keys. Jane Smith presented the Constitution and Canons of the church. Judy Murphy and Loretta Willmore presented the bread and wine. Hank Holcomb and Emily Hohenschutz presented Steve with a magnificent communion box that Hank had hand crafted. Nick Nichols made the inlaid cross on top of the box.

Most of us had lumps in our throats when Steve knelt down in the middle of the aisle and prayed, "O Lord my God, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." At the end of the prayer Bishop Johnson had Linda, John and Julie come forward. I think Steve summed up the feeling of a lot of us when he said, "This has been a long time coming." The celebration began after Bishop Johnson said, "Greet your new Priest-in-Charge" and Steve said, "The peace of the Lord be always with you."
We were all deeply touched by the Offertory music when Amanda Miller performed Prelude No.1 by J.S. Bach so beautifully. Our love, some pride, and appreciation overflowed in spontaneous applause.
The presence of both Bishop Johnson and Bishop Bolick along with our new priest, Steve, behind the altar during the celebration of Holy Communion is one of our more memorable images. Bishop Bolick and Bishop Johnson each had a paten, Rev. George Simmons and Steve each had a chalice. The "second" paten and chalice are the "old" communion vessels used in the first communions of Grace Mountainside Church. These vessels are "semi-retired" and reside in the "old" aumbrey on the wall in the Sanctuum in front of the church. Even though there were 104 people present in the congregation, the communion went quickly. Fortunately, Steve and Linda had made 110 copies of the service booklet.
The Dinner Reception following the service was nothing short of a miracle. A brief but very intense storm hit at 4:00 p.m. blowing over the canopies and soaking the table cloths, napkins, and chairs that had been so beautifully and meticulously set up outside on the patio. (In fact, as Steve was setting up signs to designate the Bishops' parking spaces someone drove up and asked him in all seriousness, "Who passed away?") There are so many people to thank who cleaned up the mess created by the storm and got things back in order for the Dinner Reception. Evidence that there had been such a near disaster from the storm was not known to most of our guests! The food was fantastic and plentiful. Again, thank you to everyone who made and brought your special dishes to the Dinner. A very special "thank you" to Halaine Spaulding who made six LARGE pans of her special lasagna (at least five pounds of ricotta cheese and five pounds of sausage) for the Dinner! Four and a half pans were eaten at the Dinner.
Special "thank yous" to Nebo Baptist Church for loaning us 50 chairs and three tables, and to Howie and Loretta Willmore who picked them up, loaded them on their truck, reloaded them on their truck Thursday and returned them. Also a special "thank you" to Lynda and Walter Edwards for getting permission to use the canopies and to Harding Hohenscutz for picking up and setting up the canopies. And a special "thank you" to Anne and Paul Longbrake who Longbrake who provided comfortable armchairs and tables.
Yes, special "thank yous" all around for everyone's hard work and contribution to the success of Steve's Ordination. True, individuals could have been hired, food could have been catered, and buildings could have been rented, but it would not have had the personal stamp of Grace Mountainside Church. We should all rightly take some pride in accomplishing this so very well. We can all look at each other and exclaim, "WE DID IT!" Well done, good and faithful servants. Well done, indeed. THANK YOU!!!