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These are photos of Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
April 4, 2004, at Grace Mountainside Church
celebrated by the Rev. William Turner.
The Palm leaves were blessed behind the church and
the procession was made up the street and into the
sanctuary. Photos were taken by Linda Holcomb.

Procession, Palm Sunday, 2004

Rev. Bill Turner Blessing the New Banner quilted by Sandi Case

Cross made from Christmas Tree Palm Sunday, 2004

Easter Day Sunday of the Resurrection April 11, 2004 |

Amanda Miller performing the Offertory Prelude #1, J. S. Bach Easter, 2004
 Cross made from Christmas Tree Easter, 2004
 Lilies and Altar frontal Easter, 2004 |
Are you having trouble matching names to faces?
Click on the first letter of a last name to view photo. |
 To 2004 Egg Hunt Photos
God counts you Number 1! |

We hope you enjoyed our Palm Sunday Photo webpage. |