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Welcome to
Immanuel Lutheran Church
3695 South Acoma St.
Englewood, Colorado 80110-3655

Immanuel Lutheran Church is located in Englewood Colorado,
2 blocks south of Hampden Avenue (US 285) and one block west of Broadway at the intersection of Kenyon and Acoma Streets

 Ushers List
Elders List

Immanuel Lutheran Church was founded in 1925 (history) and is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Mission Statement:
 "Strengthened by GOD's Word and Sacraments, our mission at Immanuel is to radiate our spiritual faith in Christ by proclaiming the Good News of Salvation and GOD's love for all people."

Our Doctrinal Position
As Lutherans, we stand upon the Bible. We adhere to these three basic principles which are common to Lutherans:

Scripture Alone
Grace Alone
Faith Alone
What Lutherans Believe

Our Worship Life:

Sunday morning worship services are held at 10:00 a.m.  Sunday School and Bible Classes are at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. 
Special services are held for Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, Lent, Holy Week and Thanksgiving Day.

Click on the Calendar of Events link
Calendar of Events
for special services and events.

As of October 3, 2000 you are visitor

 Thank you for visiting Immanuel Lutheran Church Website.
Please come and worship with us if you are in Englewood, Colorado.