A Brief History of Immanuel Lutheran Church In Englewood, Colorado |
The first services in the history of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Englewood, Colorado, were held in the Englewood Public Library during the Lenten Season of 1924. Pastor Fred Leimbrock of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Denver, conducted these services. The response on the part of the people was good, so the Mission Board of the Colorado District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod was encouraged to start the Mission.
Pastor Arthur H. Schmid of Berthoud, Colorado was called to be the missionary to start the new congregation. On June 8, 1924, he was installed and then began to canvass the Englewood area for Lutheran families. After drawing up a new constitution for the new congregation, the final organization meeting took place on Tuesday January 6, 1925. The constitution was adopted and the name of Immanuel Lutheran Church was chosen. Pastor Schmid served the congregation for 32 years.
On June
17, 1956, the Rev. OJ. Klinkerman was installed as pastor and served for
about three years. He was followed by Rev. Frederick F. Hahn who was installed
on August 23, 1959. Pastor Hahn served until his retirement in 1979.
Pastor Charles W. Pearson was installed in 1978 and served until 1988.
Pastor Dennis W. Lindeman then served as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran from
1989 until 1994 when the Lord called him to his heavenly home. Pastor Michael
J. Heggen was called and installed in 1994 and served the parish until
December of 1998. In July of 1999, Pastor Craig A. Patterson was installed
as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran and served the parish until October of 2006.
We are currently calling a graduate pastor from the seminary.
Under the leadership of Pastor Schmid, the congregation established an elementary day school in September 1931. The school was blessed for many years, but was closed due to low enrollment in June 1962.
The congregation has been blessed with the talents and service of two Directors of Christian Education. First, Mr. Robert Auger served the parish in the areas of youth and education ministries from 1983 to 1990. Then, Miss Heidi Fingerlin served in these same areas while adding family ministry to her responsibilities from 1991 to 1997.
In 1994, a major remodeling and renovation project began in which the narthex was enlarged to make a larger area to visit before and following worship services, an elevator was installed, and a new stained glass window was placed above the altar with the image of the risen Christ.
Immanuel Lutheran has served as a very important congregation in reaching out to people in the south Denver metro area. Currently, many members of the parish are elderly, yet new and younger families are finding their way to Immanuel Lutheran as well. Just as Cinderella City (a nearby shopping mall) has been torn down and now is being rebuilt, we see God renewing and rebuilding Immanuel Lutheran congregation in order to serve our Lord Jesus and to proclaim the wondrous Gospel of the forgiveness of sins to all in our area.