The following are sermons preached by Pastor Philip Hoppe in 2003. In terms of the church year, they cover from Trinity Sunday until Christmas.
Click here to read sermons preached in 2004.
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A Confession: John 3:1-17
When the going gets tough...: 2 Cor. 4:13-19
Wheat and the Kingdom: Mark 4:26-34
The gift of Death: 2 Cor. 5:14-21
What does God look like?: Lam. 3:22-33
Prophesy Here no More: Amos 7:10-15
Give Me Your Tired: Mark 6:30-34
Putting up with Each Other: Eph.4:1-7,11-16
Seeking after Jesus: John 6:24-35
Take my life and Let it end: 1 Kings 1:4-8
It is our life: John 6:60-69
This is a hard saying: Ephesians 5:21-31
Prepared for Battle: Ephesians 6:10-20
Looking into the Mirror: James 1:17-27
A conversation with the Christ: Mark 8:27-35
Vexed, yet Vindicated: Jeremiah 11:18-20
Who do you say that I Am?: Mark 8:29
Taking Sin Seriously: Mark 9:38-50
Free?: John 8:31-36
Dwelling in the Dust, Raised by the Rock:
                    Isaiah 26:1-4, 8-9,12-13, 19-21
What did you see?: Luke 24:44-53
Laying aside Sin: Hebrews 12:1-2
What takes your breath away?: Isa. 51:4-6
He Came, He Comes, and He Is Coming:
    Jer. 33:14-16 ,1 Thess. 3:9-13, Luke 21:25-36
A Voice in the Wilderness: Luke 3:1-6
A Love Song: Zephaniah 3:14-18
Putting Mary in Her Place: Luke 1:39-45
A Light Shining: Isaiah 9:2-7
Advent Series: Promises of the Messiah
In the Garden: Genesis 3:9-20
Prophet Like Moses: Deuteronomy 18:9-19
Ruler from Bethlehem: Micah 5:2-5a
