Pioneers 2002-2003
Theme: Learning to do things by Hand
Meet 7:00-8:30pm
3rd Tuesday of Month
September 17: Grace, Ridgeway.
- Welcome to Pioneer Registration. We will have our famous Hobo
Stew and new this year: Homemade Icecream! We will also be sending
home order forms for Apples. If you like to play guitar or banjo please
bring it along for singing by the campfire.
- Please bring a can of soup with the label removed and a 1lb or 3lb
coffee can.
October 15: Grace, Ridgeway.
- We will be making trivets and picture frames
November 7th 7:00pm Leader’s Meeting. Grace, Ridgeway
November 10: Trinity, Wilson.
- Chili Dinner. Arrive 2:30-3:00. Serve: 4:30-6:30pm.
Clean up done by 7:00pm. (Details handed out at October meeting)
November 19: St. John’s, Nodine
- Archery. Demonstration & hands on for older kids. Possible
December 15: St. Luke’s, Pickwick.
January 12 District sledding
- (Details to be announced)
January 21: Winter Fun
- 5th-8th Grade: Rock Solid Youth Center. 75W 3rd St 452-2125
- 7:00-9:00pm. $5.00/person. Pizza $1.00/slice.
(Details to be announced).
- 1st-4th Grade: Beach Party at Grace Ridgeway
February 6: Leader’s Meeting, Grace, Ridgeway
February 18 : St. John’s, Nodine
- Fire Building–weather permitting
March 18: Trinity, Wilson
- Dye & Spin Wool Demonstration by: Monta Hulsing and Corinne Stratman.
April 15: Grace, Ridgeway
- Bike Cleaning/Maintenance
May 20: Grace, Ridgeway. Closing
- Plant Trees and flowerbed
Pinecar Derby: To be announced
District events: To be announced