Christmas Again!
Is that good news, or bad news for you?
Whichever it is, Christmas needs to be a different time of year for God's
people. I've said this before, but each year we really need to try
to look beyond the hype, the jingles, the incessant sales pitches, and
find what Christmas is supposed to be about: when we allow Jesus' arrival
in our world to come to us new and fresh, as though we were children getting
our first real glimpse of the baby Jesus' birth. Allow the music
to touch you - actually listen to the words, and you'll find some of the
most beautiful hymns ever written in the church. Let the smells and
tastes of Christmas roll over you (except fruitcake - watch out for that!).
Let the joy of Jesus' coming to our world change the way you look at events
and people and your life. Jesus brought light to a dark world long
ago. Celebrating his birth lightens our lives today as well.
Christmas worship and activity schedule in detail:
November 29th:
As I'm writing this, the Advent Craft Workshop is literally coming
to an end (not that I'm trying to get out of helping clean up.. heh, heh,
heh!). This annual family event is a huge draw for church and school
families. Glue and glitter and smiling faces everywhere. It was a
wonderful time for all. This year, representatives from two other churches
were here to see how it worked so they could do something like it in their
own churches. Thanks to all who helped with the event - especially
those who cleaned up!
December 3rd:
This is the First Sunday in Advent, when we introduce again the
Advent wreath and the whole concept of waiting and preparing for Jesus'
coming. This evening at 7 p.m. we have our annual Advent
Eve Communion Service, which introduces the themes for the whole season
of advent.
Friday, December
8th: Trinity Lutheran School's 4th - 8th grade Christmas
program. All are welcome to attend these special programs, but
come early because the sanctuary fills up!
Sunday, December
l0th: On this special Sunday we are blessed to hear our
"All Choirs Christmas Program," a celebration in song of our Savior's
birth (both services). All who wish to join us later for Christmas
Caroling are invited to meet at church at 2 p.m. as we go out to bring
some of the joy of Christmas to special people in our congregation who
may not be able to attend regularly. After several caroling stops we gather
at the home of John and Ellen B. for a
Potluck Christmas Party.
Tuesday, December
l2th: Trinity Lutheran School's K-3rd grade Christmas
program. All are welcome, but again, come early if you want a
Tuesday, December
l9th: Trinity's Preschool Christmas program will
be held on this night at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. All are invited
to be refreshed by this view of Christmas through the eyes of our preschoolers.
Sunday, December
24th - Christmas Eve: In addition to our two regular worship
services this morning, we have two services this evening: a Family-oriented
service at 7:00 p.m., and a Candlelight Communion Service at
11 pm.
Christmas Day:
Due to pastoral Christmas overload - and the fact that we just had FOUR
services the day before!!! - we won't be having services on Christmas
Day. We hope you understand...
God's richest blessings and peace during
this Christmas season,
Pastor Larry