Celebrations - ALL in One Day!!!
June is often a quiet month around Trinity,
but not this June. We have several things to celebrate!
- Rev. Sherman Korshavn, long-time
Associate Pastor and Principal at our church and school, was honored at
the Synod Assembly earlier this month, for fifty years of ordained ministry!
Because of his health, Sherm was not able to accept the award at the assembly,
but his wile, Fran, asked me if we could present the award at Trinity.
What an honor! On Sunday, June 23rd at the 8
a.m. service, on behalf of the ELCA we will recognize Sherm for this milestone
in ministry, much of which was spent right here at Trinity Lutheran.
There will be a reception following the 8 a.m. service.
- Also on June 23rd we will
be welcoming our new Organist and Music Director, Godalinde Degroot.
Ms. Degroot will be playing the organ, working with our Chancel Choir,
and helping us further develop our 2nd service worship program. She
is a native of Holland and comes to us by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
where she earned her B.A. in Music and Masters in Religious studies.
- Finally, there is a POTLUCK luncheon
to honor Pastor Laurie’s wedding following the 2nd service on (yes) June
23rd. The reports I have heard from my spy (Fran S.) indicate that
everything was absolutely beautiful at the wedding. Thank you, Agent FS!
As I write this, I am preparing to head
off to the Synod Assembly in Pasadena with our three delegates: Wayne and
Flo A. and Fred N. I am also meeting with the families of two of
our long-time members who passed away within the last week: Lillian Taft
and Cleo Cecil. I am again reminded of how good it is to be in such
a caring and supportive congregation.
Blessings and Peace, and Plan to join us on the
Pastor Larry
