Struggling on the Lenten Journey of Faith Some parts of our journey of faith are, without a doubt, more difficult than others. Trinity seems to be on one of the more difficult side-paths of its journey. Have you noticed? Not the church as a whole, but several of its member families are going through difficult times with serious health issues. I keep passing myself (am I coming or going?) on the way to hospitals and visitations. Pastor John is having a similar experience. The situations that we are entering into with TLC members are grave and painful -- difficult for you and for us. How can we cope? What do we say? How can comfort possibly be shared in the face of such pain? Nothing we can say, humanly speaking, is of much lasting value. BUT, there IS hope! There IS comfort to be given and received. I was preparing to visit a member today -- just sitting in the parking lot of the hospital, praying and asking for guidance -- and Psalm 27 came to mind:
We ALL struggle and are subject to such difficulties -- we are mortal -- each and every one of us -- in every respect. BUT, our hearts belong to the Lord, and it is there that we find His tender mercies most powerfully felt. Whatever your enemies (Canaanites, cancer, Hittites, heart disease, or...), open your heart to the Lord and receive His comfort. Know the power of the Gospel in your life, the power which defeats all fear, all enemies -- even death -- and lifts our hearts to the joy of His presence. Blessed Journey, Pastor Larry Becker |