
A note from Pastor John
about "families" in the month of May:
As people of God at Trinity Lutheran Church,
we call ourselves a part of the "family of God." I have been reminded
of this recently as we have celebrated several baptisms at Trinity during
the past few months. It has been a joy and privilege to welcome children
and their families into the body of Christ, into the "family" of Trinity
Lutheran Church. As a family, we are called to care and encourage
one another during times of joy and times of pain. Let's each remember
to follow Christ's command as we remember our responsibility toward God
and toward one another. May this baptismal verse remind us all to,
"Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
I pray that the light of Christ will grow
brighter in each one of our lives during the month of May with our special
emphasis on the family. Whether you are young or old, married or
single, you will benefit from this time of focusing on God's plans for
His people, within one's own family as well as within the "family of God"
here at Trinity and throughout the world. You will notice that many
events and activities at Trinity will be centered around one's own personal
family, including the "Families, INC." activity on May 1, recognition of
mothers on Mother's Day, May 9 and special parenting classes on May 12
and 19. There will also be a focus on our Trinity "family" as we
receive new members on May 9, celebrate with several of our young people
who will be making affirmation of their baptism on "Confirmation Sunday,"
May 23 and participate with many from our Trinity "family" at the annual
retreat at Lake Arrowhead over Memorial Day Weekend. I will also
be centering my messages on Sundays, May 9 and 16 on family related concerns
and issues. I hope to see you and your family at Trinity soon!
In Christ,
Pastor John Foss