Kindergarten - Eighth Grade
4783 W. 130th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250-5196
(310) 675-3379
School Principal: Kathleen Rutt
Trinity Lutheran Church
has operated its school for fifty years because we believe that excellence
in education can best be provided in the context of a day-by-day relationship
with God.
We believe that knowledge
of our world is important, but that it is the knowledge of the love of
God through Jesus Christ that makes our lives worthwhile.
We are dedicated to providing
a thorough training in all the basic subjects. We are also concerned
that emphasis be placed on teaching children to do what is right and to
deal with others in loving concern.
Trinity Lutheran School's
curriculum meets the requirements of a general elementary/junior high education.
Graduates of Trinity average two years above national norms on SAT tests
and are accepted into fine non-public as well as public high schools.
Our teachers are state credentialed.
Trinity admits students of
any race, color, national or ethnic origin. It does not discriminate
on the basis or race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration
of educational policies, admission policies, financial policies, athletic
and other school administered programs.
Full academic courses
Daily religious instruction
Weekly Chapel
Computers in all grades
Developmental Kindergarten
Departmentalized Junior High
Before and After School Program
Physical Education
Hot Lunch Program
Environmental education experience
- Grade 6 - Astrocamp
- Grade 7 - Catalina Island
Marine Institute
- Grade 8 - Historic East
Coast trip
Field trips at all grade levels
Athletic teams
Computer Club
Self Defense Class
Yearbook Club
Parent Teacher Organization
Summer Day Camp
Carpeted classrooms
Large library
Computer Lab
Computers in classrooms
Two Play Equipment areas
Outdoor Basketball Courts
Grassy play area
Separate preschool
Church and hall meeting areas
Trinity Lutheran School offers
extended day care from 6:30 a.m. until school begins in the morning, and
again from the time school is out until 6:00 p.m. Extended care is
also available on specified school holidays and during the summer months.
6:30 - 7:47 a.m. Before
school care
7:45 Playground opens
8:15 Grades 3-8 begin
8:30 Grades K-2 begin
3:00 School dismisses
3:00 - 6:00 p.m. After
school care
To be enrolled in kindergarten,
pupils must have reached the age of 5 years on or before December 2.
The same requirement is made at age six for first grade. Birth certificates
are required.
Kindergarten entrance requirements
are preschool recommendation and/or Gessell Kindergarten Readiness Assessment.
New students entering first grade will take a school readiness assessment.
New students in grades 2-8 take a standardized entrance test. Trinity
bases final acceptance on previous school records, entrance test results
and school recommendations.
Church related private schools
do not receive state or federal financial support as public schools do.
Tuition and fees paid by parents cover the cost of educating a student
as Trinity Lutheran School. Since the school is a mission arm of
the congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church provides the buildings and grounds.
A yearly enrollment fee is
required of each student. A testing fee for incoming students is
due at the time of application.
Tuition is payable in ten
monthly payments. The first installment is due August 1, and the
last payment is due May 1. Tuition and Before and After School Program
fees cover only the 180 days of the school year. Vacation days during
the school year have a special day rate for those needing child care.
Enrollment forms and general
information are available at the school office between the hours of 8:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
A completed application accompanied
by the fee for developmental assessment and testing must be returned to
the school office. An appointment will be made for testing.
Parents will be notified by mail of acceptance or non-acceptance of their
child/children. Upon notification of acceptance, the enrollment fee
is due. Payment of the enrollment fee secures a place in a classroom
in the fall. All enrollments are for one school year only.
They must be renewed each school year.
Trinity Lutheran School is
a school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Religion
is an integral part of the curriculum, and Lutheran beliefs and doctrines
are emphasized. All students are expected to participate in the religious
classes that are offered. Trinity accepts students of all religious
Lutheran Preschool offers full and part-time programs in a Christian
setting. A staff of dedicated, state-qualified teachers provides
a helpful, happy, healthy, creative and Christian environment for children
between the ages of 2 years and 5 years old. Preschool hours are
6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Hot lunch and two snacks are provided daily.
Preschool office: (310) 675-9595
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