Traveling west on Westminster Blvd you will see a large six story building
on your right just as you approach Willow St. Turn right at the traffic
light at Willow followed by a left turn on Milton Ave.
Traveling east on Westminster Blvd you will see the six story building on
your left just as you go over the 405 freeway. The second light is for the
left turn on Willow St. followed by another left turn on Milton Ave.
Traveling north on the 405 Freeway way get off at the Westmister Blvd East
bound. At the traffic light take a right turn and immediatly a left turn
on Willow St at the light. Take a left turn then on Milton Ave.
Traveling south on the 405 take the springdale exit. Turn right on Springdale
followed by a left at the light at Westminster Blvd. Go over the freeway
and turn left at the second light, Willow St. Turn left on Milton.
Westminster Lutheran Church was organized April 26, 1959 under the mission program of the Lutheran Free Church. Building of permanent structures began in the 60's. A preschool and camp kids program was created in 1972 to address the needs of working parents and as an out reach for the church. A new sanctuary was built in 1982. In 1983 the old sanctuary was remodeled into a Fellowship Hall and Fireside room. In 1984 the offices were remodeled and finally in 1985 the kitchen was remodeled for serving the congregation. The loan for the new sanctuary was paid off in 2000, leaving the church debt free.