Westminster Lutheran Pre-School and After/School Program

Camp Kids Ages 6 to 12

We bus the children here from various public schools for after/school

program until 6:00 p.m. Coordinated through Pre-School Director.

Preschool:(714) 893-8289

13841 Milton Avenue Westminster, California 92683

License # 300601052

Iris McCray

Monday - Friday
6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Half Day
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

ages 2 to 12 years

Ages 6 to 12 attend other schools and are in a before/after school program at Westminster Lutheran Pre-School. There is bus service available to tranfer students between their schools and Westminster Luther Preschool.

Staff, Policy, and Tuition

Why Pre-School?

To provide your child the opportunity to:

SHARE and work with children his/her own age

ENJOY experiences with books, music, art, and creative play

HAVE body building fun in safe, supervised surroundings

EXPLORE the beauty of God's world through first hand experiences

SOLVE problems and build independence in accepting atmosphere

RECEIVE the support and guidance of the school's professional teachers and director

TO SPEND part of the day in a world which is child size, clocked by child time, and planned so that your child can act the way that is normal for his stage of development

We have a Pre-School and camp kid program from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. The Pre-School program is for children from 2 years to 4 years. There is a kindergarten program for 5 year old children. Then we have a program for children in elementary school who need a place to study before and after their normal class.

We have a fenced in open area for our children to play. This area is divided up into four sub areas. This allows the teachers and children of each age group (2,3,4 years old) to have their own sand area. The fourth area is a black top area for wagons and bikes. Each area is separated by a low fence.

The van is used to transport our camp kids to and from their elementary schools. On Sundays it is used to transport children, Wheelchair bound, and others needing a ride to our church.