Bethel Lutheran Church is currently a Vacant Non-Calling
The initial organ project proposal is
available here
(PDF format)
Bethel's Easter Bell Choir - April 2006
With Us: Summer 2006
Bethel is blessed to have the use of
4 octaves of hand bells and 3 octaves of hand chimes this
summer. The instruments are on loan from the Music Department
at Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska. In order to make
good use of the bells, we're seeking individuals (grades 6 and up)
that would be interested in participating in a Family Handbell Choir
program this summer. In addition to bell choir that will serve
in worship, Bethel's Ladies Aid, Vacation Bible School, and the
Round Lake Senior Citizens will be using the bells. A sign-up
sheet will be available on the narthex bulletin board for anyone
interested. Contact Paul Soulek with questions (945-8122 or )