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Lutheran Women's Missionary League

Mission Statement

The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.

"Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
John 3:21

  • Any woman of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church can be a part of LWML. If she is in the Word and in service, she is already practicing the goals of the LWML. The LWML provides opportunities for personal spiritual growth, a richer prayer life, and retreating into the Word of God.
  • Women are challenged in the LWML through Bible study and enrichment training and opportunities to use their God-given talents and gifts.
  • In the LWML, women are encouraged to seek out and serve the people of their congregations, their communities, and the world.

Good Shepherd LWML meets on the second Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM.  We begin with breakfast, followed by a program.  Our programs offer a wide variety including Bible studies, speakers from local missions, projects and fellowship events. We sponsor a Harvest Luncheon in November and monthly bake sales to raise funds for various other fellowship events.

Good Shepherd LWML sponsors a rummage sale and a bazaar each year. The entire congregation provides rummage sale items, crafts and baked goods in support of these events. 25% of the funds raised support local (Roanoke Valley) mission projects such as the Rescue Mission, the Blue Ridge Women's Center, The Roanoke Hospice Program, Habitat for Humanity, RAM House and Good Shepherd's Sunday School and VBS. 25% of the funds raised support "missions-at-large" such as LCMS World Missions, LCMS World Relief, Lutheran Bible Translators, Lutheran Seminaries, the Lutheran Hour, Bethesda, and Apple of His Eye Ministries. 5% of the funds raised are used for LWML operating expenses and 45% are used for congregational projects.

Women of Good Shepherd LWML are members of the Blue Ridge Zone, a group of six southwest Virginia LWMLs from congregations in Waynesboro, Danville, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Farmville, and Roanoke. Zone meetings are held in the spring every year and include Bible study, mission witness, and fellowship.

Women of the Blue Ridge Zone are members of the Chesapeake District, a group of eleven Zones with member congregations in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. District Conventions are held in even-numbered years and Christian Growth Weekends are held in odd-numbered years. The Chesapeake District supports 10-15 Mission Projects suggested by individual LWML groups and chosen by vote at District Convention. These projects are funded by 75% of the Mites donated by individual LWML members in the District and by gifts from LWML groups and congregations.

Women of the Chesapeake District are members of the International LWML, comprised of 40 Districts and 200,000+ members. International Conventions are held in odd-numbered years. ILWML supports ten or more Mission Projects suggested by individual LWML groups and chosen by a vote at the International Convention. These projects are funded by 25% of the Mites donated by individual LWML members in the District and by gifts from the LWML groups and congregations.