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Pastor's Page

The Rev. D. Keith Beasley, MDiv.

The Rev. D. Keith Beasley was installed as Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Preschool in October, 2000. Born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Pastor Beasley has a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. His pastoral experience includes working with youth ministry and teaching in a Christian day school. He previously served as the Assistant Pastor of St. John Lutheran Church and School in Ocala, Florida, and interned as a vicar at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Newton, North Carolina.

Pastor Beasley has been active in various facets of youth work. He served on the planning committee for the 1996 Southeastern District Youth Gathering, and was the Circuit Youth Representative for the North Central Florida Circuit. He has presented large group sectionals and preached worship services at middle school youth gatherings. Most recently he has served as Dean for both Middle School Week and Pre-Teen Week at Camp Linn Haven (a Lutheran camp) in Linville, NC.

Pastor Beasley serves in our community in several ways as a volunteer. He is a Chaplain Associate at Lewis-Gale Medical Center. He has been a member of the Roanoke County Prevention Council for two years and serves on the Capacity Building Conference planning committee. He is active in the Oak Grove PTA and helps coach his daughter's softball team.

Pastor Beasley previously worked in student services on a collegiate and high school level and taught middle school science and high school biology before beginning his pastoral training. He has coached middle school and high school basketball, baseball, soccer, and softball and has several years experience as a baseball/softball umpire.

Pastor Beasley, his wife (Tracy), and their children (Brittany, Devin, Caleb, and Joel) reside in Roanoke County. Their son, Jeremy, rests with the Lord.

>>>Pastor Beasley's blog.<<<